About Us

Our Mission

To make Useful, Secure, and Safe Solutions and Platforms & Provide Reliable Backend & Enterprise Solutions.

Our History

West7014 studios started as just an indie game development studio. We were originally making games on Khan Academy in 2020. In 2021 we began to move to a more online based presence along with moving our development habits. We went from working with the proprietary JavaScript from Khan Academy to Web Development. This time is when we built the first version of our website which you can see below. In 2022 we begun work to grow and develop as a company, this was the time when we started work on some of our best solutions. Now in 2023 we formed West7014 studios Group, Bought-out Westz studios, partnered with Weirdo Games, and started working with Googleii. 

West7014 studios Homepage

Welcome to our West7014 studios Homepage.
Here is our website :
This is The supported version of this site. (Click Here)

Site Updated : 10/12/2022 20:52:37

Our Roadmap

  • 2023
    • April
      • Begin Development of Connect V2E
      • Design W7s Suite
      • Update W7s Weather to V2
      • Perform Maintenance
      • Begin Development of a hatchet style game.
    • May
      • Maintenance (X3)
      • Continue Development of Connect V2E
      • Begin Development of W7s Suite
      • Begin Development for W7s TFL
    • June
      • Release Connect V2E
      • Continue Development of W7s Suite
      • Finish Art design for TFL
    • July
      • Perform Maintenance on W7s servers and Sites
      • Update W7s Game Handler Website
    • August
      • Finish Core Game for TFL.
      • Release Connect V3E
    • September
      • Begin UI & UX work on TFL
      • Update W7s Weather to V3
    • October
      • Change websites & games in preparation for Halloween.
      • Finish Development of TFL
      • Release W7s Connect V4E
    • November
      • Begin Work On TFL Trailer
      • Begin Work on Switch
    • December
      • Release TFL
      • Continue Developing Switch.
      • Release W7s Connect V5E
      • Perform Maintenance on W7s stuff.
      • Holiday Break.
  • 2024
    • January
      • Begin working on Art/visual assets for Switch
      • Update W7s Connect V13 to V15
    • February
      • Begin work on UI & UX Design for Switch
      • Release W7s Connect V6E & V16
    • March
      • Begin work on Sound Design for Switch
      • Perform General Maintenance
    • April
      • Finish Development of Switch & Begin Work on The Trailer
      • Release W7s Connect V7E & V17
    • May
      • Begin work on product W7s-09574753450
      • Release Switch
    • June
      • Release W7s Connect V8E & V18
      • Begin Working On W7s-79472056264
      • Summer Break

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